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fish stocking造句

"fish stocking"是什么意思  
  • Cook the fish bone in some water to make a fish stock
  • Everybodyknows that global fish stocks are heading for collapse
  • This ratio will guarantee maintenance of natural processes , ensuring the survival of fish stocks
  • Regarding loss of fish , only those cases involving a loss of at least one - third of the total fish stock by value will be considered for relief
  • Steam another 4 more minutes with mushroom and bok choy or until cooked . warm the fish stock and soup separately . pour the fish stock on the plate
  • No - take zones are now being created all over the world and are a recognised tool not only for conservation but also for replenishment of fish stocks
  • In addition , more regular cleansing and replenishment of filter materials should be conducted if the water quality is poor and or fish stock density is high
  • In addition , more regular cleansing and replenishment of filter materials should be conducted if the water quality is poor andor fish stock density is high
  • What is more , norway and iceland point out , they have managed their fish stocks much better than the sanctimonious whale - lovers of the european union
  • For both ( 2 ) & ( 3 ) above , the amount of grant in respect of the rafts , cages or fish stock should not exceed the value of the actual losses in the respective items
  • It's difficult to see fish stocking in a sentence. 用fish stocking造句挺难的
  • Some individuals would therefore not have been caught , since no baited hooks would have been available to trap them , leading to an underestimate of fish stocks in the past
  • Increasingly , the blues are taking a leaf out of the green book , and campaigning for nature reserves to improve fish stocks and aid marine conservation
  • Some individuals would therefore not have been caught , since no baited hooks would have been available to trap them , leading to an underestimate of fish stocks in the past
  • Of particular concern is that the unlimited fishing by permit holders in the marine parks continues to hamper the recovery of depleted fish stocks
  • Some individuals would therefore not have been caught , since no baited hooks would have been available to trap them , leading to an underestimate of fish stocks in the past
  • Fish stocks in hong kong waters are heavily depleted as a result of unsustainable fishing practices in particular trawling , reclamation , dredging and pollution
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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